It's always so hard to pick just one, but this year a movie-imitating late-comer has scooped up this year's nomination for Yuletide Troll, 2009. I was so sure Devon was going to win, too.
We'll get to that in a bit. Wintertime in the Frozen Northland is quite an experience. Just when we were getting used to the outlandish 15-30 degree weather, (-9 to -1 for all you Celsius people), the temperature plummeted. It was bad enough when our highs weren't even getting above freezing. Now, our highs are doing good to get above zero. At all. In fact, this coming Sabbath they're predicting a high of -9 (-23C).
The other morning I went out in -24 weather that, with the wind chill factor, felt like -38. (Which, oddly enough, is -38.888888888C. I guess that's about where the two scales cross paths.) It wasn't really any worse than the other stuff. I could get used to this, even
The local elves put up the Christmas decorations around town. I'm going to have to keep trying to get a good picture, since I'm finding that my camera is rather sluggish about focusing in extreme weather.
All three kids warble carols day and night. Two of them even know the words. One of Devon's favorite songs is We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and he always has such a hard time remembering the word "kin". He knows it means family, so he substitutes other words in when he needs to, which is most of the time. "Chill-dren" and "kill-dren" are his new favorites.
All three kids have also been making tiny snow angels wherever we go. Hey, there's only so much you can do with 1/2 inch of snow. And on the other blog, there's a picture of Devon making snow angels ~ in the road! ~ right before I hemmed him up. He's sure glad there was no "after" picture...
People around here really believe in their heat. I had kinda expected that, since it was so cold outside, everyone would keep their houses, oh, say about 50 degrees. Nope, everybody so far keeps it quite warm, and some downright tropical. We seem to keep our house cooler than average, being more used to the mild California winters and lower heat settings. Kinda ironic.
So, the Yuletide Troll 2009 award. It belongs to an anonymous local child. We'll call her Lindsay. Having just watched that horrible Christmas classic, A Christmas Story, she had expressed curiosity to her mother as to whether tongues will really freeze to metal in the wintertime. Lindsay's mother assured her that yes, they most definitely would, and to NOT TRY IT! It had not worked out well for her big brother, or anyone else, either.
Lindsay was still curious. Very, very, curious. She went over to visit my niece, and talked to her about it. Now they were both curious. What would happen? Would it really work? What to do, what to do? At last, they reached a decision. Scientific inquiry must be satisfied.
"Oh Little Brooooooother," my niece called.
A few minutes later, my sister-in-law was startled by her hysterical daughter screaming, "Help, help, help! Bubba's got his tongue stuck to the pole! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!"
What followed wasn't pretty. Let's just say that, even yet, the pole bears mute testimony of my little nephew's struggle against nature. You can also see why Lindsay was a shoo-in, even going up against such a formidable competitor as the Asphalt Angelmaker. My niece won Best Supporting Troll, and Devon, for the first time in his life, dropped into third place. He's going to have to get back on his game if he wants to have a chance to regain his supremacy by 2010.
Until the next adventure,
Noni Beth
We'll get to that in a bit. Wintertime in the Frozen Northland is quite an experience. Just when we were getting used to the outlandish 15-30 degree weather, (-9 to -1 for all you Celsius people), the temperature plummeted. It was bad enough when our highs weren't even getting above freezing. Now, our highs are doing good to get above zero. At all. In fact, this coming Sabbath they're predicting a high of -9 (-23C).
The other morning I went out in -24 weather that, with the wind chill factor, felt like -38. (Which, oddly enough, is -38.888888888C. I guess that's about where the two scales cross paths.) It wasn't really any worse than the other stuff. I could get used to this, even
The local elves put up the Christmas decorations around town. I'm going to have to keep trying to get a good picture, since I'm finding that my camera is rather sluggish about focusing in extreme weather.
All three kids warble carols day and night. Two of them even know the words. One of Devon's favorite songs is We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and he always has such a hard time remembering the word "kin". He knows it means family, so he substitutes other words in when he needs to, which is most of the time. "Chill-dren" and "kill-dren" are his new favorites.
All three kids have also been making tiny snow angels wherever we go. Hey, there's only so much you can do with 1/2 inch of snow. And on the other blog, there's a picture of Devon making snow angels ~ in the road! ~ right before I hemmed him up. He's sure glad there was no "after" picture...
People around here really believe in their heat. I had kinda expected that, since it was so cold outside, everyone would keep their houses, oh, say about 50 degrees. Nope, everybody so far keeps it quite warm, and some downright tropical. We seem to keep our house cooler than average, being more used to the mild California winters and lower heat settings. Kinda ironic.
So, the Yuletide Troll 2009 award. It belongs to an anonymous local child. We'll call her Lindsay. Having just watched that horrible Christmas classic, A Christmas Story, she had expressed curiosity to her mother as to whether tongues will really freeze to metal in the wintertime. Lindsay's mother assured her that yes, they most definitely would, and to NOT TRY IT! It had not worked out well for her big brother, or anyone else, either.
Lindsay was still curious. Very, very, curious. She went over to visit my niece, and talked to her about it. Now they were both curious. What would happen? Would it really work? What to do, what to do? At last, they reached a decision. Scientific inquiry must be satisfied.
"Oh Little Brooooooother," my niece called.
A few minutes later, my sister-in-law was startled by her hysterical daughter screaming, "Help, help, help! Bubba's got his tongue stuck to the pole! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!"
What followed wasn't pretty. Let's just say that, even yet, the pole bears mute testimony of my little nephew's struggle against nature. You can also see why Lindsay was a shoo-in, even going up against such a formidable competitor as the Asphalt Angelmaker. My niece won Best Supporting Troll, and Devon, for the first time in his life, dropped into third place. He's going to have to get back on his game if he wants to have a chance to regain his supremacy by 2010.
Until the next adventure,
Noni Beth
hehehehehehhahahahahhahahah:-)):-HA HA